Artascent Has Helped Me Charge Through a Terrifying Hurdle
Thank you for the tremendous honour of awarding my work GOLD WRITER and for publishing it in ArtAscent. I am truly privileged for this opportunity.
I think the scariest thing I’ve ever done is to see my name, at the top of an article that tells my true story, on your pages. ArtAscent has helped me to charge through a terrifying hurdle. Publishing my thoughts has greatly impacted my perspective and my writing journey, by breaking down a barrier of silence.

I am especially grateful for the generous introduction written by Alexis Culotta, Ph D. I truly appreciate her understanding of how difficult it is to share such a personal experience. I am grateful for her ability to read between the lines and translate the weight and extent of the immense situation I attempt to convey.
I feel guilty, terrified, ashamed and relieved, to see it published. I couldn’t have raised the courage to push myself past the invisible limits established for me, without the validating and healing insights of those who have come before, such as Nori Muster, Carol Giambalvo, Ron Burks, and the researchers, Michael D. Langone, Ph D, Janja Lalich, Ph D, Lois Kendall, Ph D, and many others. I appreciate their generous work with those of us attempting to navigate our lives within this difficult framework.

There is an invisible yet growing faction of the population who struggle alone in these uncanny circumstances. It’s crucial we let them know, they are not alone in their aloneness.
The Arts are an imperative medium, in that sometimes only a poem or a sketch or a painting will convey the confusion and grief with which others can make self-affirming connections.
Thank you, ArtAscent, for the encouragement you’ve afforded me by recognizing my work. Together we will get our messages out there.
Thank you for what you do.
By Maria Peregolise, MSc Ed
ArtAscent Art & Literature “Portraits” Issue (February 2020) Gold Writer
Very well said. There is no shame in opening up and telling the truth about events that impacted your life. I pray this process will lead to healing for you while you educate others in the lifestyle of a cult. When one is involved, they do not recognize the signs; especially children. It is cruel to draw a child into such teachings. You are a smart lady, and were an intelligent young girl. You probably didn’t know it was a “cult,” but were wise enough to be uncomfortable. You were so young, and this has been going on over 50… Read more »
It takes a lot of courage to tell your truth. As Anne Lamott wrote: “You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better.”