Cassie Shao

Weichun Shao, Silver Artist of the ArtAscent 2023 Journey exhibition

Cassie Shao’s art engages with different perceptions, peering around the corner into circles of fog that guide and disappear into a future of new understandings. Cassie strangely and wonderfully creates entrances that let us dig deeper into our personal imagination and life experience.

Her work Explosion Water, On the Train and Volcano Under Hood throws the audience into a utopian field of reality. The unexpected imagery creates the opportunity to look closer and discover unseen moments and mirrors of self. Cassie’s images are marked by human and otherworld characters, guiding us deeper into the artwork (On the Train). At other times, framing and centring nature’s spectacle (Volcano Under Hood), or allowing us to turn, twist and levitate over familiar but unknown landscapes (Explosion Water).

Cassie’s artworks feel like falling into a daydream of conscious inspiration. Thoughts and images flood our eyes and show the way to an effortless walk around nature surrounded by soft daylight and the freedom to let thoughts and memories travel along. They inspire us to think further and sense new ways of approaching and living our daily life. With each step, we can increasingly fly and reflect on past happenings, present emotions and future aspirations.

Immersing ourselves in Cassie’s art form exploration echoes visiting a complete exhibit. Her designs open doors and paths to various ways of perceiving concepts. These works of art have an aura of unbridled playtime, and they evoke the free-fall ideas only a child’s or forever young’s mind can have.

Cassie brings graphic design, 2D animation, 3D motion design and mixed media skillset to her art. Cassie’s way of merging digital and analogue material tricks us into looking outside our common perspectives. She enjoys creating unexpected forms of wonder and new concepts of doing and seeing art. Her mutely coloured images sparkle brightly, yet they bring a profound stillness, allowing us to celebrate our united uniqueness and respect each decision—precious to every life path.

Cassie Shao is an animation director currently based in Los Angeles. She graduated from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and the School of Cinematic Arts at USC. She works in independent films, music videos, explainer videos, experiential installations and advertisements.

Cassie Shao is the Silver Artist of the ArtAscent Journey call for artists. To see the full body of work and profile, get a copy of the ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal Journey issue.

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