Taria Karillion

Planet Earth Will Soon Be Closing, Please Make Your Final Choices

The view of Earth from orbit always made Professor Verle Coby profoundly sad. In its derelict state, the sparse web of clouds that clung to its blue and brown surface reminded him of the Earth story of the elderly human who lived in her shabby, tattered wedding dress. The passengers were watching the time-lapse holo-ad of the planet’s history and ingesting the press-out pizza and bubble-gum discs from the guidebook…

Exploring a dystopian future as a means to remind her reader the time is now for action, writer Taria Karillion conjures the pain of lost existence in Planet Earth Will Soon be Closing, Please Make Your Final Choices

Taria Karillion is the Gold Writer of the ArtAscent Water call for writers. To see the full body of work and profile, get a copy of the ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal Water issue.

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