Entries by ArtAscent

Paul Eric Johnson

Reimagine New England no. 43 in a small field by the side of the henhouse with his shoulders slightly hunched a big man stands easily in the heat his loose overalls worn and faded the thickened grip on his scythe cuts in exacting rhythm each swing precisely laying down another neat line of grasses repeated […]

Paul Eric Johnson

Distinguished Artist of the ArtAscent Grey call for entry. To see this in print, grab a copy of the ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal Grey issue. www.reimaginenewengland.com

R. Prost

Distinguished Artist of the ArtAscent Grey call for entry. To see this in print, grab a copy of the ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal Grey issue. https://R-Prost.com

Su Ai

Distinguished Artist of the ArtAscent Grey call for entry. To see the full body of work, grab a copy of the ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal Grey issue. https://www.suaiart.com

Lynn Tait

Distinguished Artist of the ArtAscent Grey call for entry. To see this in print, grab a copy of the ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal Grey issue.

Marian Kaplun Shapiro

Decision Newsflash: I’ve decided at last. In the next life, I’m signing up for the squirrel world. That’s it. Plain grey will do. The kind… Distinguished Writer of the ArtAscent Grey call for entry. To see the full body of work, grab a copy of the ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal Grey issue.

Marty Trejo

Distinguished Artist of the ArtAscent Grey call for entry. To see the full body of work, grab a copy of the ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal Grey issue.

Felicia van Bork

Distinguished Artist of the ArtAscent Grey call for entry. To see the full body of work, grab a copy of the ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal Grey issue. www.feliciavanbork.com

Margaret Wasiuta

Distinguished Artist of the ArtAscent Grey call for entry. To see the full body of work, grab a copy of the ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal Grey issue. https://margaretwasiuta.com

Elaine Weiner-Reed

Distinguished Artist of the ArtAscent Grey call for entry. To see the full body of work, grab a copy of the ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal Grey issue. https://www.elaineweinerreed.com

Tina Ybarra

Distinguished Artist of the ArtAscent Grey call for entry. To see this in print, grab a copy of the ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal Grey issue. https://tybarra23.wixsite.com/tinaybarra-artsite

Travis Inglis

Cocoon She sees everything, his depths of despair and his desperate past. His face now colourless and hollowed; it seems he has aged a lifetime in moments. His hands death-cold in hers; the fountain of life has frozen. A string of syllables said, too late to take back, have cooled the world… Distinguished Writer of […]

Olga Zamora

Distinguished Artist of the ArtAscent Grey call for entry. To see the full body of work, grab a copy of the ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal Grey issue. https://olgazamora.com

Paula Bonnell

First Person, Okefenokee Swamp Like a log I slept, dank, in the winter swamp my top toppled, my long leaves trailing in the water Grey it was, blank and black The water… Distinguished Writer of the ArtAscent Grey call for entry. To see the full body of work, grab a copy of the ArtAscent Art […]

Ira Simidchieva

Distinguished Artist of the ArtAscent Grey call for entry. To see the full body of work, grab a copy of the ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal Grey issue. https://www.irasimidchieva.com/

Christine Columbo

Portraiture is based on subtle connections between a model and its representation. British painter Lucian Freud once said, I would wish my portraits to be of the people, not like them.” Christine Columbo embraces this challenge with the empathic approach. It takes more than a talent for capturing something from nature to create an authentic, […]

Maria D Peregolise

God My Father: A Portrait of Divinity “A learned man is an idler who kills time with study. Beware of his false knowledge: it is more dangerous than ignorance,” George Bernard Shaw, 1905 (Shaw, 1905) “Just trust me” I hated those words from my Father, along with an abrupt hand gesture that always made me […]

Mike T Cherry

Fine art and photography have been in complicated relations since the latter’s invention. First, photographers followed the language of painting, but after the spread of technology, the situation has changed. Mike T Cherry’s art evidences the influence of photography on artistic practices. Mike’s creative manner is rooted in the principles of hyperrealism, a style that […]

Nozomi Hasegawa

In her series of striking shellac-on-paper compositions, artist Nozomi Hasegawa pushes the boundaries of the meaning of a portrayal by emphasizing the passage of time and the transience of the image. Building this series from the notion that the portrait is often defined as an enduring likeness of a subject or model, Nozomi breaks from […]

Kayla Louise Cauthen

Distinguished Artist of the ArtAscent Portraits call for entry. To see the full body of work, grab a copy of the ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal Portraits issue.