Entries by ArtAscent

Alina Protsiuk

Distinguished Artist of the ArtAscent Water call for entry. To see this in print, grab a copy of the ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal Water issue.

Susan Ross

Distinguished Artist of the ArtAscent Water call for entry. To see the full body of work, grab a copy of the ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal Water issue. www.susanrossart.com

Yudha Scholes

Distinguished Artist of the ArtAscent Water call for entry. To see this in print, grab a copy of the ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal Water issue. https://yudhascholes.com

Robert Iulo

Floater A few blocks south of the George Washington Bridge was where I first saw the police boat anchored close to shore. I realized something must have been going on ahead of me and knew I’d be there soon enough to see what it was. I was on an early Sunday morning bike ride in […]

Todd Johnson

Distinguished Artist of the ArtAscent Water call for entry. To see the full body of work, grab a copy of the ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal Water issue. https://www.todd-reece-johnson.com

Harper Zee

Distinguished Artist of the ArtAscent Water call for entry. To see this in print, grab a copy of the ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal Water issue. www.harperzee.com

Stacey Harris

New Place I wish to express in words—that I know can barely poke at the thing I want to convey— so I attempt to tell you how it felt to be walking on that beach in the company of my sister who is the one who protects my solitude and the fortification of carrying all […]

Alec Dann

Distinguished Artist of the ArtAscent Water call for entry. To see the full body of work, grab a copy of the ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal Water issue. http://www.alecdannarts.com

Christine Meytras

Distinguished Artist of the ArtAscent Water call for entry. To see this in print, grab a copy of the ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal Water issue.

Maria-Victoria Checa Art

Distinguished Artist of the ArtAscent Water call for entry. To see this in print, grab a copy of the ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal Water issue. https://mvchecaart.com

Phillip T. Stephens

Four Problems Presented by Poetry 1. Poetry presents a problem in philosophy consider the following poem: Seeking her release she closes her eyes, hurls herself over the cliff and into the clouds… Distinguished Writer of the ArtAscent Water call for entry. To see the full body of work, grab a copy of the ArtAscent Art […]

Brandon Edwards

Distinguished Artist of the ArtAscent Water call for entry. To see the full body of work, grab a copy of the ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal Water issue. https://www.uncommonlikeness.com

Chris Brooks

Distinguished Artist of the ArtAscent Water call for entry. To see the full body of work, grab a copy of the ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal Water issue. www.chrisbrooks.art

Deborah Rosenthal

Distinguished Artist of the ArtAscent Water call for entry. To see this in print, grab a copy of the ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal Water issue.

Leslie Carpenter-Holt

The very first (and perhaps most banal) association with white that pops into one’s mind is snow. Thus, sometimes this color gets a slightly melancholic flavor. However, photographs of Leslie Carpenter-Holt challenge the stereotypical association of winter with a cold void. Leslie Carpenter-Holt is the Gold Artist of the ArtAscent White call for artists. To […]

Manny Veiga

Getting Away With It I’m wearing green-tinted sunglasses as I shove my way through the crowded square. It makes the world around me look even hotter than it feels. The crowd is a hornet’s nest of flailing arms and shaking fists. It’s not just the heat that has people stirred up… In Getting Away With […]

Stephanie Lenchard-Warren (aka SLW)

From the point of view of physics, white is the unrefracted integrity of all colours. Roughly speaking, it is a fusion of all tints, and Stephanie Lenchard-Warren sees it as an accurate visual metaphor for expressing the integrity of the world. Stephanie Lenchard-Warren is the Silver Artist of the ArtAscent White call for artists. To […]

Sara Hupas

Embracing the dual versatility and volatility of the colour and dimensionality of all that is white, mixed media artist Sara Hupas transforms non-woven fabric in dazzling visual cycles like From Calm Water to Rough Sea, Disclosed, and Wave. Sara Hupas is the Bronze Artist of the ArtAscent White call for artists. To see the full […]

Linda Massey

Distinguished Artist of the ArtAscent White call for entry. To see this in print, grab a copy of the ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal White issue. http://16handsstudio.blogspot.com/

Suzan Mandla

Distinguished Artist of the ArtAscent White call for entry. To see this in print, grab a copy of the ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal White issue.