
One of the Most Significant Accolades in My Art Career

I feel privileged to have been designated GOLD ARTIST in the YOUTH issue of ArtAscent.

Leah with ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal

It is one of the most significant accolades in my art career that spans approximately thirty years. The images I chose to submit for consideration are three figurative works, painted in watercolour, and based on three of my young nieces, now adults, with children of their own.

I had hoped the pieces would be considered suitable for publication, but that they would earn this level of recognition was certainly beyond my imaginings. I greatly appreciate the thoughtful comments of art historian, and doctoral candidate, Oleksandra Osadcha, whose review accompanies my images.

The journal’s mandate is to showcase international writers of fiction and poetry, and visual artists whose art practices cover the whole spectrum of creative work. The selections that have earned distinction in this, the thirty-second volume, are representative of the entire body of work that constitutes the ArtAscent collection. It is humbling for me to be included with the amazing people who have created all this. I would urge artists and writers to respond to the regular calls for submission, and all like-minded art enthusiasts to become familiar with this superb publication.

By Leah Dockrill
ArtAscent Art & Literature “Youth” Issue (August 2018) Gold Artist

Artist Giovanni Armenio Says ArtAscent Publication Is An Important Career Milestone

Upon completing my artwork titled “Everlasting,” I felt satisfaction that the piece captured a profound and enigmatic spiritual story. “Everlasting” is an explosion of the soul that reaches beyond the limits of life and death – the light generated by each of us.

Magazine in Armenio's studio

I have known about ArtAscent for a while and always enjoy browsing works of quality artists and writers in each wonderful issue. Each issue is a very interesting read, and I enjoy discovering each new theme. When I learned of the ArtAscent “Magnificence” call for artists, I felt that it was perfect for my piece. Would its meaning be understood? I was extremely happy to see that it was, and that my work was selected and published in ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal volume 12.

I am very proud to now be a part of this beautiful magazine. Seeing my work especially on the cover of ArtAscent helped me realize that the meaning of my work can reach many people. This is an important milestone in my career as an artist. I will always be grateful to ArtAscent for providing recognition of my thoughts, imagination, and person.

The quality of the ArtAscent magazine and staff, the magazine’s artistic and cultural value, the honour to be published in ArtAscent, and the entire experience can be summed up in one word: Magnificence!

Giovanni Armenio

By Giovanni Armenio
ArtAscent Art & Literature “Magnificence” Issue Distinguished Artist

Artist Jim Baab Identifies Gold Artist Recognition as Timely Affirmation

The publication of my work, artist profile feature, and Gold Artist recognition in ArtAscent volume eight has given me the spiritual support needed as a new artist to remain on a specific path.

Jim Baab, ArtAscent Gold Artist of the Hidden call for artists

Relative to the “human landscape” photography I submitted to the “Hidden” call, the path was both physical and imaginary. After finding small, natural elements to work with in front of my lens on a path to a pond where our workshop’s final day of shooting was held late in the shoot, a virtual path of creativity opened up before me. I was able to envision, explore and execute ideas without obstruction. It felt as if tall boulders in front of me – suddenly – rolled themselves out of the way. Not everyone in a workshop gets to experience this. Experience gained.

But, was my new work worthy of a larger audience?

When I submitted to the call, I was fresh out of the workshop. I had not spent much time realizing the prints. Still, I felt I had a chance to be included in the Distinguished Artists section. And, to my surprise, my work earned me Gold Artist recognition.

Gold Artist Jim Baab Recognizes ArtAscent

This acknowledgement and feedback solidified my decision to attend an additional workshop and continue to photograph compositions that present playful illusions.

As Gold Artist Mike Rand has already conveyed, the struggle to succeed in the art world will be easier because of this publication.

ArtAscent will advance my career as an artist as this path evolves before me!

By Jim Baab
ArtAscent Art & Literature “Hidden” Issue Gold Artist

Artist Mike Rand Includes ArtAscent Magazine in His Marketing Package

Artist Michael Rand includes ArtAscent magazine in his marketing materials

Regardless if artists like it or not, marketing not only our works of art but also our personas is must to succeed in the art world. After a long day in the studio creating, it is difficult just to know where to start. In today’s world of evermore digitally accessible information, artists don’t need to worry on relying on the “by chance” or “word of mouth” encounters with the right person to help further their art careers. With combining the use of tools like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumbler an artist can quickly reach large audiences for their art work, though a very spontaneous or less controlled manner. However, a hard or digital copy of a fine arts journal like ArtAscent places an artist in a more professional way to world audiences.

Mike Rand artist

Since my own début in Art Ascent in December 2013, I have used both the digital and traditional hard copies to reach a larger audience for my art. By not only posting links for ArtAscent through online media channels, I also carry a copy of the magazine with my personal art catalog whenever approaching a potential exhibition space. The difficult or sometimes seemly impossible feat of getting a gallery or art center to look at my work thaws when I present a high quality printed catalog to match my website, and a third party form of media showing my work, as in ArtAscent. For example, recently while being an invited artist for a demonstration day at an art center in Colorado I set a copy of ArtAscent along with my catalog next to my work space. The result, magazine garnered more attention than my catalog. In the end, you never know who might ask for your contact details after viewing a spread of your work in a magazine like ArtAscent.

By Michael Rand
ArtAscent Art & Literature “Dark” Issue Gold Artist