Call For Artists! Call For Writers! Call For Entry!

Artists and writers are invited to apply to ArtAscent calls for entry. Check each call for eligibility, application process, deadlines, how your creative work will be exhibited and more. Every two months, a new themed call for artists and writers is announced, plus there is the once-a-year Collector’s Annual call. The other calls are ongoing.

To receive notification of ArtAscent calls for artist and calls for writers, sign up for the ArtAscent newsletter.
The Abstraction 2025 call for artists and writers.

ABSTRACTION Call For Artists! Call for Writers! – Accepting Submissions

Studio Spotlight call for entries

Studio Spotlight – Accepting Submissions

Article Submissions call for entries

Investors Tips Articles – Accepting Submissions

Artist Techniques call for entry

Artist Techniques – Accepting Submissions

Artist Interview call for entry

Artist Interview – Accepting Submissions


“ArtAscent has provided a unique opportunity to be presented with international visual artists while respectfully sharing interest with literary artists. This has been a unique, rich experience. ArtAscent has validated my art and allowed me to visually express my ideas with a wider range of people. I am extremely pleased to be chosen for the cover of a magazine of INTEGRITY such as ArtAscent. This is a magazine to be proud of with a reputation well deserved. Thank you for this honour.”

Olivia- Patricia O’Neal

“Your existence is a blessing for all artists who know you. The way you make them known to the public is exceptional. I am happy and honoured. Thank you again!”

Gabiko IoMo

“I am so honoured and delighted to have my work featured so beautifully in the upcoming Abstract issue of ArtAscent. What a nice gift of news in my day! Thank you for your thoughtful and engaged review. I feel so grateful that my intentions, creative process, approach, and ideas have been translated so clearly.”

Dina Torrans

“Appearing in ArtAscent is a real high—the intermingling of art and literary work somehow magnifies the effect, and it’s so handsomely and thoughtfully produced.”

Paula Bonnell

“I couldn’t imagine having my work published, then I was named the gold artist of the issue and I’ve never felt so proud. I really appreciate how easy it was to submit a piece with the online application. I was impressed with the questions y’all asked then what y’all were able to write in my feature profile using my given answers.”

August Barringer

“I remain delighted with stories published in ArtAscent. It is such an attractive magazine, wonderful to see my work amongst such fantastic artwork. Original and special. If I pick up a magazine to show a friend a published piece of mine, I invariably choose ArtAscent.”

Pete Armstrong

“ArtAscent was the first magazine to accept one of my pieces. That was February 2020 (less than one year after I’d decided to start writing consistently and sharing it with the world). I’m so pleased to be included now for a second time in their August 2020 issue. Needless to say, so many things have changed—both personally and globally—in those few short months between now and my first publication. But, I’m still writing, still growing as an artist, and I’m grateful for ArtAscent for providing that space for my voice to be heard—a thing that is now perhaps more important for us artists than ever before. It’s easy to feel lost and confused—especially as an artist—during this tumultuous time, it’s easy to feel like it doesn’t matter. Still, ArtAscent reminds us every month (in glorious Technicolor!) that art exists, art matters, and art saves. I waited until I was thirty to start living my dream of being a writer, and if it hadn’t been for ArtAscent giving me that first “yes,” I might’ve gone on waiting.”

Natalie Beisner

“The work that you’ve done in putting this publication together is priceless. It speaks to so many different values that are represented in ART, and reminds viewers of their existence in a profound and meaningful way. ArtAscent manages to capture the big picture while paying attention to detail, making it a unique and exemplary platform. I am so grateful for being included in this group of exceptional, talented people.”

Margaret Wasiuta

“Thank you, Art Ascent. We do the work, and when it’s done, the best we can look for is the opportunity for our art and writing to be seen in a context where it may be appreciated. To see how it works. To reach a new audience. As I don’t always find that easy, it is so pleasing how well the unity in an issue’s theme serves to amplify its diversity. I feel like my work belongs, and especially enjoy just being able to sit and enjoy the beautifully printed publication. It’s an honor to be included with such good company.”

Paul Eric Johnson

“Your publication is important to all artists and art lovers. I would include ArtAscent as the most influential and supportive publication in my artistic journey since I returned to painting three years ago. Your publication has been like a wonderful friend who visits every couple of months to inspire, stretch my imagination and lift me up. As an art lover, ArtAscent has also been valuable in getting me in touch with other artists whose work I admire and have purchased. ArtAscent is well written, inspiring with its varying themes, available in high quality hard copies and is international in scope. What a great combination for a winning magazine. I especially love how ArtAscent recognizes and awards artists who take risks, which is so necessary and so much at the heart of why art moves us all. Thank you ArtAscent team for your skill, creativity, dedication and passion that delivers this bi-monthly gift to the world of art.”

Christine Columbo

“Sometimes there are people in life who give you something immeasurably precious – ArtAscent has done just that for me. This truly beautiful magazine has given me a platform to show my work on an international level. I live in a little house, in a little town tucked away in a little part of the North West of England and I feel honoured and very privileged to be amongst such talented photographers, artists, poets and writers from around the world. THANK YOU ArtAscent for all your hard work, your dedication and your care in producing such a wonderful magazine and being such a positive force in the world.”

Samantha Browne

“I am stunned (not to mention extremely thrilled) to have been selected by ArtAscent. I am amazed by all the superb art included in this issue. I deeply appreciate the comments by ArtAscent’s profile writer on my forest paintings. It is impossible to capture fully in a painted image or a photograph all the sensory experiences provided in that rich environment, or to assume that one has even come close. I feel blessed that my current work has elicited this positive response. I am progressing through additional paintings in the same series, and I am greatly encouraged and motivated by this accolade.”

Leah Dockrill

“I just wanted to say how awesome and professional ArtAscent’s profile of me and my work is. I am extremely impressed with the intellectual interpretation of art and ability to portray that to the reader, WOW. Thank you so much for the opportunity to be a part of your magazine, it is really appreciated.”

Robert Tokley

“Through a fantastically vibrant website, excellent digital layout and beautifully produced magazine, ArtAscent excels in their support of international artists and writers. I am delighted and honored to be included in their Portrait 2018 edition. Thank you so much ArtAscent for greatly widening the audience of my work in such a wonderfully dynamic way.”

Jo Hay

“I recently received my copy of the Patterns issue and I felt very honored to be included. The quality of the publication layout is excellent and the work presented – both written and visual – is outstanding. It gave me inspiration to raise the bar on my own work and to do more professional promotion.”

Barbara Hillerman Lieske

“I have great affection for publishing ventures that attempt something new, something suited to our times.”

Bieke Stengos

“Thank you for all the support you guys have provided over the last couple years. I truly appreciate all the hard work that goes into putting these artworks together. You were the first publication to give me a chance to share my voice and I will never forget that. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

Zach Agnew

“ArtAscent is a profound exhibition of international art and literature. ArtAscent’s welcoming of the abstract, obscure and atypical could not be more organized and comforting. Far too often, creativity is stifled by unimaginative editors or conventional beliefs. ArtAscent is holding true to the values of artists by allowing their creativity to be exposed uninhibited internationally.”

P.M. Wrighter

“I’m thrilled to be included in your Hidden issue. It’s quite an honour to have my images among such strong and interesting work. Thanks for your support of artists!”

Stacy Gardner

“Wow, talk about service! I am thrilled that my collage piece “Brancusi’s Atelier” is part of such a stunningly beautiful magazine. I’m ordering my copy now, and I’m recommending ArtAscent to other fine writers.”

Gail Tyson

“Just received my paper issue of ArtAscent Red – definitely glad to be part of it. The art, writing, printing, and layout are superb! The artist submission requirements allowed for me to project a written in depth analysis of my drawings.”

Walter A. Fydryck

“Thank you ArtAscent for providing us artists (and writers) a platform to not only showcase our work, but to also indirectly engage in creative dialogue by having our works curated around a thoughtful theme.”

Yen Phang

“You were kind enough to award me the Gold Writer position in your 13th issue, Unknown. I just wanted to say how much I appreciate the honor. I was particularly touched by the wonderful introduction to my work. I felt you truly understood what I was doing and that is so gratifying! This accomplishment is truly an encouragement ‘go for the gold’ with my writing! Thank you!”

Tamara Cline

“ArtAscent is stimulating, the images stunning and the written work varied and interesting. I am delighted to have had a poem of mine published in the Blue issue.”

Gabriel Griffin

“Thank you for choosing my work for the Pet’s exhibit! What a fantastic organization you are to provide the wonderful opportunity for artists to exhibit online, in print and then to archive the work for future collectors to see! I’m honored to be in the exhibit and I’m looking forward to seeing all the artwork.”

Cate Woodruff

“I would like to thank everyone who is behind ArtAscent for providing the opportunity to present my work, grow in confidence, dig deeper into my imagination and explore ways to better express myself. You have published my works in a previous issue titled “Hidden.” That motivated me to go through another long hours-session with my work and I am sure other artists and writers have felt the same positive inspiration.“

Petra Knezic

“I applied to your call under a very FUNNY threat of physical violence by one of my friends. She told me I had to submit my “Long Live The Queen” to your call or she would smack me with one of my own signs. She is a HUGE fan of ArtAscent. And also… I am no fan of being whacked with a sign.”

Jennifer Nicole

“I have to thank ArtAscent for its wonderful support of writers. And for acknowledging writing as an art form – not all quarters do. After being awarded Gold Artist recognition for writing in the ‘Figures’ issue, I finally feel able to say ‘writer’ instead of my day job when people ask me what I do. And to launch my writer’s website. Thank you, ArtAscent, for providing me with that confidence!”

Linda Hegland

“ArtAscent affords all artists the opportunity to expose a lifetimes’ preparation. An opportunity to expose oneself, along with ones’ work. An opportunity to realise ones’ dreams. Success. I’ve used every opportunity to uncover the preparations that have painted my vision. It took time for me to find opportunities that I was prepared for. Each day until I found them, I continued to prepare. To be me. ArtAscent bridges the gap between artists and their road to exposure; the road to yourself.”

Alex Steiner
London, United Kingdom

“On reading the artist profile article written about my art I felt an immediate sense of connection with the ArtAscent art critic. I feel the words beautifully articulate my art and its place in the world. I can’t express how much this review means to me. I will treasure it always.”

Aleta Lederwasch

“Thank you for presenting us artists with such an awesome opportunity and exposure that gives us a chance to succeed and actually earn a living doing what we love. This is truly huge and I cannot thank you guys enough.”

Roopa Dudley

“The magazine looks great, so well designed and such a clean layout. Thank you for the wonderful review of the work! Very excited, thanks again!”

Jeanne Donegan

“Digital painting is rich and diversified in expression, yet it’s usually assessed simply for technique, software, or effects. What I profoundly appreciate about ArtAscent is that you have clear criteria for considering art, including computer-assisted art—which remains (at least, for the moment) a very unclear task for many critics. Thank you for your high professionalism and subtle taste and the opportunity offered to visual artists to exhibit and create a valuable CV.”

Gabiko IoMo