Artist Jim Baab Identifies Gold Artist Recognition as Timely Affirmation
The publication of my work, artist profile feature, and Gold Artist recognition in ArtAscent volume eight has given me the spiritual support needed as a new artist to remain on a specific path.

Relative to the “human landscape” photography I submitted to the “Hidden” call, the path was both physical and imaginary. After finding small, natural elements to work with in front of my lens on a path to a pond where our workshop’s final day of shooting was held late in the shoot, a virtual path of creativity opened up before me. I was able to envision, explore and execute ideas without obstruction. It felt as if tall boulders in front of me – suddenly – rolled themselves out of the way. Not everyone in a workshop gets to experience this. Experience gained.
But, was my new work worthy of a larger audience?
When I submitted to the call, I was fresh out of the workshop. I had not spent much time realizing the prints. Still, I felt I had a chance to be included in the Distinguished Artists section. And, to my surprise, my work earned me Gold Artist recognition.

This acknowledgement and feedback solidified my decision to attend an additional workshop and continue to photograph compositions that present playful illusions.
As Gold Artist Mike Rand has already conveyed, the struggle to succeed in the art world will be easier because of this publication.
ArtAscent will advance my career as an artist as this path evolves before me!
By Jim Baab
ArtAscent Art & Literature “Hidden” Issue Gold Artist