Entries by ArtAscent SB

Market trends and reality: two examples

Art investors sooner or later come across invariably upbeat reports on trends in the art market. Consider these carefully in light of the source of each report just as you would similar statements by analysts extolling the potential of other investment vehicles. In general, reports on trends in the art market have limited value for […]

P.M. Writer Using ArtAscent to Market His Writing for Years to Come

ArtAscent is a profound exhibition of international art and literature. The quality of the highlighted pieces is clearly that of a careful selection process. As an esteemed Gold Writer for the publication, I can say first hand, that they demonstrated unequivocal respect for my work. Oleksandra precisely articulated the dimensions of my story to an […]

Buying what you like

It may be a cliché, but in the acquisition of art for purposes of investment, “buy what you like” is a good piece of advice. This statement of conventional wisdom holds true; however, only if you are confident in your taste. The most successful collectors are constantly refining their taste. Enthusiasts of visual art do […]

Artist Interview | Liz Ruest

Become acquainted with perhaps a few unknown dimensions – thoughts, ambitions, wisdoms, life changing moments – of this inspiring artist. When it comes to your art/writing, explain what you do in 100 words.I use technology as a glue to combine layers of texture and iconic imagery, building a sense of place and the complexity of […]

Increasing the value of investment in an art collection

Every collector wants his or her carefully chosen art works to increase in value. Some seek the reward of having their pictures, sculptures, prints or photographs provide, over time, increase in the aesthetic pleasure they give. Others want to have their “good eye” confirmed by a rise in the monetary value of their investment. While […]

How to determine if your art collection is appreciating in value

Everyone wants to keep an eye on their investments, ensure that their portfolio is growing and make adjustments as needed. This is as true of investment in art as it is of investment in stocks, bonds, precious metals and real estate. Keeping track of where you stand as an investor in art involves periodic reference […]

Authenticity and provenance are critical

Acquiring art works for investment purposes can be much more complicated than purchasing real estate or publicly traded financial instruments. What you do before you complete a transaction with a seller, whether it be an auction house or dealer, is critical. As a collector the first step in your due diligence is to ensure that […]

Collecting art multiples as an investment

Prints, photographs and sculpture that are part of a limited-edition pose particular problems for the investor in art that set them apart from unique works. The fact that an object of art is unique is of critical importance in determining its monetary value. When purchasing an art work, the collector will consider the price of […]

ArtAscent Used by Writer Marian Kaplun Shapiro in an Art Discussion

The Rangeley Tuesday Breakfast Group (which actually meets at the Gingerbread House in the yet smaller town of Oquossic, ten minutes up hill) convened this morning to participate in a conversation about “New Eyes: From Order To Chaos And Back Again (And Again).” This erudite and over-accomplished group usually tackles scientific, philosophical, economic, and political […]

Artist Giovanni Armenio Says ArtAscent Publication Is An Important Career Milestone

Upon completing my artwork titled “Everlasting,” I felt satisfaction that the piece captured a profound and enigmatic spiritual story. “Everlasting” is an explosion of the soul that reaches beyond the limits of life and death – the light generated by each of us. I have known about ArtAscent for a while and always enjoy browsing […]

Artist Jim Baab Identifies Gold Artist Recognition as Timely Affirmation

The publication of my work, artist profile feature, and Gold Artist recognition in ArtAscent volume eight has given me the spiritual support needed as a new artist to remain on a specific path. Relative to the “human landscape” photography I submitted to the “Hidden” call, the path was both physical and imaginary. After finding small, […]

Artist Mike Rand Includes ArtAscent Magazine in His Marketing Package

Regardless if artists like it or not, marketing not only our works of art but also our personas is must to succeed in the art world. After a long day in the studio creating, it is difficult just to know where to start. In today’s world of evermore digitally accessible information, artists don’t need to […]

Writer S.B. Borgersen’s Success Story and ArtAscent’s Involvement

“It really feels like an ascent. Still climbing, the clouds almost touchable, the view becoming quite extraordinary and still not out of breath. It has been a busy year.” This is how Sue Borgersen begins her story In The Ascent, as posted in her blog. An emerging writer and artist, Sue has participated in several […]